Culture ChangeLeadership Course-1

Culture Change Leadership

Course Overview and Description

This course provides a humble inquiry and Process Consulting approach to understanding Culture Change Leadership. Participants in the course will come away to a deep and nuanced understanding of how to lead culture change initiatives in their organizations or how to walk with leaders as a Process Consultant in developing a Client's culture change initiative. The course utilizes the concepts developed by Edgar H. Schein and Peter A. Schein from their individual and collective work over the past fifty years and helpful newer concepts that are emerging from the global pandemic and VUCAA world.

Why take this course? (who is this course designed for?)

Organizational leaders wanting to embrace/understand the culture of their organization

  • To be able to develop a planned organizational change process that they can employ
  • To not waste time or money on unhelpful products (unnecessary surveys, etc.), be a more informed leader when it comes to organizational transformation
  • To train consultants wanting to add culture consulting to their practice

 By taking this course, what is different about my leadership, skills, mindset, etc.?

  1. Equipped to understand the definitional terms associated with organizational culture
  2. Understand the larger concepts and dynamics involved and how they influence organizational culture
  3. To be able to design a process that you can lead that helps an organization and its leaders change its culture

 Course Completion Checklist:

Completion of this course means you will have done the following:

  • Read any required textbook reading by the time the course sessions are over
  • Read the content for each of the nine lessons
  • Complete all written assignments and post in the classroom
  • Been present for the scheduled facilitated learning experiences or made arrangements to make up the time
  • Schedule and complete the individualized coaching conversations
    • Facilitator Contact Info:
      • Peter A. Schein, Strategic Partner, Design Group International,
      • Lon L. Swartzentruber, EPC, Managing Partner Design Group International,
Certification Received Upon Completion:
Executive Process Consultant credential

Course Schedule: Noon - 2 PM PST / 3PM to 5PM EST on 3, 10, 17, 24 April and 1 and 7 May. 

Completion of the course provides the opportunity to receive Executive Process Consultant. The Society’s highest level of credential.
EPC Sample2


  • Previous earning of APC status
  • Seven years of vocational experience with documentation on file
  • Service to 20 clients with documentation on file
  • Recommendation from one-course instructor OR one client, with a letter on file
  • Completion of the Process Consultation 301 Case Study Lab
  • Completion of an integration paper or portfolio that is expertise-specific
  • EPCs can serve as instructors and mentors for people pursuing a credential
  • Certification Cost $3,250

Effective 5 Years at a time.

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Mary Kindler
Founder of Syntecho